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All the elements (texts, graphic elements) of the site belongs to Abaca Diffusion Accessoires.
The site is protected by the laws governing the intellectual property. It is strictly forbidden to reproduce it, in its shape or its contents, totally or partially, without an agreement written by his author.
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Statement CNIL
According to the Law 78-17 of 06/01/1978 relative to the computing, to the files and to the liberties, the present site was the object of a statement to the CNIL(NATIONAL COMMISSION FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND CIVIL LIBERTIES).
Statement N of....
According to Data protection acts of January 6th, 1978, you have at any time a right of access, rectification and deletion of the personal data concerning you. If you wish to exercise this right, you just have either to write us, or to make the request via, among others, our on-line form.
The publisher
The publishing of on-line information obeys the same legal rules as the traditional publishing.
The contents of the site are thus governed by the Law which confers to the diverse reader rights and duties.
The publisher of the site makes a commitment to respect scrupulously the current editorial rules :
- Have the right to broadcast on its site the proposed contents.
- Do his/her utmost to verify the validity of the information notified to the public.
- Authorize the reader to print all or part of the contents proposed on the site for its strictly personal use.
The user
The user of the site makes a commitment for his part to respect the rules of intellectual property of the diverse contents proposed on the site that is:
- Not to reproduce, summarize, modify, distort or rerun, without prior authorization of the publisher, some article, title, application, software, logo, brand, information or illustration, for a use other than strictly deprived, what excludes any reproduction for professional purposes or from distribution in number.
- Not to copy out all or part of the site on another site or a network interns of company.
- The violation of these imperative measures subjects the offender, and every responsible people, to the statutory penal and civil punishments.